Myelogram, peripheral blood smear, and osmotic fragility test curve findings in patients with B19V and HIV. B19V inclusion in abnormally large pronormoblast with basophilic and vacuolated cytoplasm in bone marrow aspirate (arrows) (×400) is shown for Cases 1 (A) and 2 (B). Small-sized, spherical-shaped, deep-staining red blood cells (RBC) are shown to lack an area of central pallor at peripheral blood film, accounting for more than 50% of RBC in Case 2 (C). (D) The osmotic fragility test curve (black) for Case 2 is shown; slightly right-skewed curves suggest that RBCs hemolyze more quickly than usual (blue curves as range reference) both in unincubated and in incubated curves. B19V inclusion in abnormally large pronormoblast with basophilic and vacuolated cytoplasm in bone marrow aspirate is shown for Case 3 (arrow) (×400) (E).