Fig. 4. Network dynamics analysis of GRNs from cellular reprogramming.
a k-means clustering analysis of top 4k edges in inferred networks. Shown are the mean profiles of edge confidence of 20 edge clusters. Each row corresponds to an edge cluster and each column corresponds to a cell cluster. The red intensity corresponds to the average confidence of edges in that cluster. Shown also are the number of edges in the edge cluster. b Top 5 regulators for each edge cluster. Shown are only regulators that have at least 10 targets in any edge cluster. The size and brightness of the circle is proportional to the number of targets. c LDA topic 3 networks along the cell lineage. The layout of each network is the same, edges present in a particular cell cluster are shown in red. Labeled nodes correspond to regulators with degree larger than 10. d Top cell cluster-specific regulators for each topic. Shown are only regulators that have at least 10 targets in any cell cluster. The more yellow and larger the circle, the greater are the number of targets for the regulator. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.