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. 2023 May 30;5(2):lqad044. doi: 10.1093/nargab/lqad044

Table 2.

The list of AS analysis tools chosen for benchmark

Name (version) Dependencies Reference Genome Annotation*
A. Splice-aware mapping tools
BBMap (38.94) Java 7+ (24) -
ContextMap2 (2.7.9) Java, BWA, bowtie 1, bowtie2 (26) +
In the current study used with bowtie 2 (25)
CRAC (2.5.2) Perl, htslib (27) -
DART (1.4.6) GCC, GNU make, libboost-all-dev, (28) -
libbz2-dev, and liblzma-dev
GSNAP (2020-03-12) GCC,GNU make, Perl (29) +
HISAT2 (2.2.1) GCC, GNU make, MSYS, zlib (30) +
MapSplice2 (2.2.1) GCC 4.3.3+, GNU make, python 2+ (31) +
minimap2 (2.17) None (precompiled binaries) or (32) -
GCC, GNU make, zlib
segemehl (0.3.4) GCC, GNU make, htslib (33) -
STAR (2.7.5) GCC, GNU make (34) +
Subjunc (2.0.0) None (precompiled binaries) or (35) +
GCC, GNU make
B. Alternative splicing event detection tools
Name (version) Dependencies Reference Supported events
ASGAL (1.1.6) python3.6+, biopython, pysam, gffutils, (36) ES, IR, A5, A3
pandas, cmake, samtools, zlib
ASpli (1.12.0) R, BiocManager (37) ES, IR, A5 A3
EventPointer (2.4.0) R, BiocManager (38) ES, IR, A5, A3, MEE, MES
IRFinder (1.3.1) GLIBC 2.14+, GCC 4.9.0+, Perl 5+,
STAR 2.4.0+, samtools 1.4+, bedtools 2.4+ (39) IR
MAJIQ (2.3) htsilb, python3, python packages (23) ES, IR, A5, A3
SGSeq (1.24.0) R, BiocManager (40) ES, IR, A5, A3SS, AFE,
MES (with two skipped exons)
splAdder (2.4.3) python3, python packages (41) ES, IR, A5, A3, MEE, MES
Whippet (0.11.1) julia (42) New junctions could be
added from alignment as an option
tandem transcription start, tandem
alternative polyadenylation, circular
back splicing

* ‘-’: does not use; ‘+’ - can use as an option

ES, exon skipping; IR, intron retention; A3, alternative 3′-splice site, A5, alternative 5′-splice site, MES, multiple exon skipping, MEE, mutually exclusive exons, AFE, alternative first exon, ALE, alternative last exon.