UFO mediates LFY degradation and requires the UFO F box domain and lysine residues in the IDR of LFY
(A) Confocal microscopy images of lfy-12/LFY::LFY-GFP (left) and ufo-2/lfy-12/LFY::LFY-GFP (right) flowers. Scale bar = 60 μm.
(B) Quantification of fluorescence intensity from flowers as shown in (A). Each data point represents the average of fluorescence intensities from 5 LFY-GFP-positive regions of interest in independent flower buds. Independent plants were used for each data point (n = 26). Statistical significance was determined using a two-tailed Student’s t test.
(C) Total LFY protein levels in N. benthamiana leaves transiently expressing 35S::LFY-mCit or coexpressing 35S::LFY-mCit and 35S::UFO-mCh. Ponceau red staining (PS) serves as loading control.
(D) Quantification of LFY-mCit protein levels in N. benthamiana leaves as shown in (C). Results are shown as mean +/− standard error (n = 3).
(E) LFY and UFO mRNA accumulation in N. benthamiana leaves expressing 35S::LFY-mCit or coexpressing 35S::LFY-mCit and 35S::UFO-mCh.
(F) Bimolecular functional complementation of LFY and UFOΔF-box in N. benthamiana leaves. The absence of interactions between LFY and the UFO F-box domain serves as negative control. Scale bar = 10 μm. The overlays between mCitrine fluorescence channels and the transmission view are shown at the bottom. Arrows indicate examples of cytoplasmic foci.
(G) Total LFY-mCit protein levels in N. benthamiana leaves transiently expressing 35S::LFY-mCit or coexpressing 35S::LFY-mCit and 35S::ΔF-box-mCh. Ponceau red staining (PS) serves as loading control.
(H) Quantification of LFY-mCit protein levels in N. benthamiana leaves as shown in (G). Results are shown as mean +/− standard error (n = 3).
(I) LFY and UFO mRNA accumulation in N. benthamiana leaves expressing 35S::LFY-mCit or coexpressing 35S::LFY-mCit and 35S::ΔF-box-mCh.
(J) Bimolecular functional complementation of LFY5KR and UFO in N. benthamiana leaves (left). Interaction between LFY5KR and LFY is also tested (right). Scale bar = 10 μm. The overlays between mCitrine fluorescence channels and the transmission view are shown at the bottom. Arrows indicate examples of cytoplasmic foci.
(K) Total LFY5KR-mCit protein levels in N. benthamiana leaves transiently expressing 35S::LFY5KR-mCit or coexpressing 35S::LFY5KR-mCit and 35S::UFO-mCh. Ponceau red staining (PS) serves as loading control.
(L) Quantification of LFY5KR-mCit protein levels in N. benthamiana leaves as shown in (K). Results are shown as mean +/− standard error (n = 3).
(M) LFY5KR and UFO mRNA accumulation in N. benthamiana leaves expressing 35S::LFY5KR-mCit or coexpressing 35S::LFY5KR-mCit and 35S::UFO-mCh.