Year of Birth
2015 |
9,388 (36.0) |
5,466 (33.1) |
3,922 (40.9) |
2016 |
9,090 (34.9) |
5,825 (35.3) |
3,265 (34.1) |
2017 |
7,607 (29.2) |
5,212 (31.6) |
2,395 (25.0) |
Female |
12,610 (48.8) |
7,899 (48.3) |
4,711 (49.5) |
Male |
13,241 (51.2) |
8,444 (51.7) |
4,797 (50.5) |
Race and ethnicity
American Indian/Alaska Native, all ethnicities |
1,790 (6.9) |
1,047 (6.3) |
743 (7.8) |
Other known race/ethnicity* |
1,033 (4.0) |
615 (3.7) |
418 (4.4) |
Missing race/ethnicity data |
7,676 (29.4) |
4,737 (28.7) |
2,939 (30.7) |
Non-Hispanic White |
15,586 (59.8) |
10,104 (61.2) |
5,482 (57.2) |
Categories based on rural-urban commuting area (RUCA) codes
Rural areas |
3,137 (12.0) |
1,808 (11.0) |
1,329 (13.9) |
Small towns |
4,618 (17.7) |
2,833 (17.2) |
1,785 (18.6) |
Micropolitan areas |
7,587 (29.1) |
4,856 (29.4) |
2,731 (28.5) |
Metropolitan areas |
10,743 (41.2) |
7,006 (42.5) |
3,737 (39.0) |
Availability of pediatric providers at clinics accessed
Only accessed clinics with pediatric providers |
5,128 (19.7) |
3,127 (19.0) |
2,001 (20.9) |
Sometimes accessed clinics with pediatric providers |
13,001 (49.8) |
8,889 (53.9) |
4,112 (42.9) |
Never accessed clinics with pediatric providers |
7,956 (30.5) |
4,487 (27.2) |
3,469 (36.2) |
Health Region
1 |
1,781 (6.8) |
1,003 (6.1) |
778 (8.1) |
2 |
3,724 (14.3) |
2,594 (15.7) |
1,130 (11.8) |
3 |
5,984 (22.9) |
4,046 (24.5) |
1,938 (20.2) |
4 |
7,325 (28.1) |
4,721 (28.6) |
2,604 (27.2) |
5 |
7,271 (27.9) |
4,139 (25.1) |
3,132 (32.7) |
Tract-level neighborhood deprivation index (NDI), mean (SD)
−0.1 (1.9) |
−0.1 (1.9) |
0.0 (1.9) |
County-level family medicine and pediatric provider density per 1,000 children age 0–5
<10 |
1,365 (5.2) |
922 (5.6) |
443 (4.6) |
10–14.99 |
15,666 (60.1) |
10,022 (60.7) |
5,644 (58.9) |
15–19.99 |
6,227 (23.9) |
3,856 (23.4) |
2,371 (24.7) |
≥20 |
2,827 (10.8) |
1,703 (10.3) |
1,124 (11.7) |
Distance (miles) to nearest immunization provider, median (IQR)
1.7 (3.2) |
1.7 (3.2) |
1.6 (3.2) |
Distance (miles) to nearest immunization provider
Short (≤2 miles) |
14,577 (55.9) |
9,147 (55.4) |
5,430 (56.7) |
Medium (2.01–10 miles) |
9,453 (36.2) |
6,049 (36.7) |
3,404 (35.5) |
Long (>10 miles) |
2,055 (7.9) |
1,307 (7.9) |
748 (7.8) |