Fig. 1. Competing interactions in Pr4+ oxides.
a Hierarchy of single-ion energy scales for Pr4+ ions in octahedral oxygen environments starting from a 2F, (S = 1/2, L = 3) free-ion state. For spin-orbit coupling (SOC) as the dominant energy scale (Jeff = 1/2 limit, left, brown), the low-symmetry crystal field (CF) lifts the degeneracy of the ground-state 2F5/2 and excited 2F7/2 multiplets into seven Kramers doublets (KDs, with selected radial squared wave-functions represented). For approximate Oh symmetry, the Γ7 doublet, in the basis, is given by , where (See SI). For CF as the dominant energy scale (Seff = 1/2 limit, right, blue), SOC and distortion from Oh symmetry lift the 2A2u ground state and the triply degenerate 2T2u and 2T1u excited states into seven KDs. The ground-state doublet is given in the basis by , where and for the doublet62 (See SI). In the intermediate limit, the competition between ΔCF and ζSOC scales in Pr4+ yields seven KD (indicated by the mix of brown/blue lines) with magnetic properties that are distinct from the Jeff = 1/2 and Seff = 1/2 limits, such as large magnetic super-exchange achievable by tuning the ligand field. b–d Crystal structure, magnetic lattice dimensionality, and Pr4+ coordination environment for the oxides studied in this work: Na2PrO3 (2-Pr), Sr2PrO4 (1-Pr), and Li8PrO6 (0-Pr), respectively.