Table 3.
Protein or contig name with gene coordinates | Number of amino acids | Predicted size (kDa) | Number of corresponding peptides | Signal peptide | Orthologs in other microsporidia |
PTP1 | 407 | 39 | 2 | + | Yes |
PTP2 | 535 | 49 | 19* | + | Yes |
PTP4 | 254 | 28 | 3 | + | Yes |
PTP3b | 1197 | 121 | 20* | + | Yes |
KI0ANB26YD05AHM1:c(2211-4190) | 659 | 72.3 | 30 | + | Yes |
KI0AFA5DG12FM1:c(2847-3884) | 345 | 39.7 | 28 | – | No |
KI0ALA15YI13FM1:c(2240-3841) | 533 | 61.9 | 16 | + | No |
KI0AAD35CC01FM1:621-1507* | nd | nd | 12 | – | No |
KI0ABA57YA11FM1:c(642-2246) | 534 | 60.8 | 11 | + | No |
KI0AGA7DE03FM1:320–1243* | nd | nd | 8 | + | Yes |
KI0ANB24YI16AHM1:c(1635-3116) | 493 | 55.4 | 8 | + | Yes |
KI0AEA10YM04AHM1:c(3308-4249) | 313 | 36.9 | 8 | – | No |
KI0AAD45CE04FM1:2-472* | nd | nd | 7 | nd | No |
KI0AGA16AB12AHM1:2031-2963 | 310 | 33.9 | 6 | + | Yes |
KI0ALA3YH04FM1:1160-3235 | 691 | 79.3 | 6 | + | No |
PTP7 | 417 | 45.5 | 6* | + | Yes |
KI0AEA7YF20FM1:c(2933-3760) | 275 | 31.2 | 5 | – | No |
KI0APB13YM20FM1:c(434-1237) | 267 | 27.6 | 5 | + | No |
KI0AIA13YP22AHM1:c(7015-7737)* | nd | nd | 5 | nd | Yes |
KI0AEA19YB16FM1:c(1-533)* | nd | nd | 5 | + | Yes |
KI0ANB9YM14AHM1:c(2144-3451) | 435 | 46.9 | 5 | + | No |
KI0AAD70DA10FM1:c(1-640)* | nd | nd | 4 | nd | Yes |
KI0AGA15DF12FM1:1-1002* | nd | nd | 3 | nd | Yes |
KI0AAD12AH02AHM2:1916-2944* | nd | nd | 2 | – | No |
KI0ALA20YE02FM1:7644-9241* | nd | nd | 2 | – | Yes |
KI0ANB24YE20FM1:c(282-1136) | 284 | 33 | 2 | – | Yes |
KI0ALA2YJ16AHM1:c(1-1073)* | nd | nd | 2 | + | No |
KI0AKA10YI05AHM1:1591-2230* | nd | nd | 2 | – | Yes |
KI0AIA10YM10FM1:54-797 | 247 | 26 | 2 | + | No |
KI0AAA20YM17RM1:382-948 | 188 | 20 | 2 | + | Yes |
In bold, proteins with unknown function selected to produce antibodies. The newly identified PTP7 is indicated in italic, the identified sporoplasm protein is underlined (KI0AAD45CE04FM1:2-472).
*Sequence incomplete in C-terminal or in N-terminal. The number of amino acids is indicated for complete proteins and the predicted size for mature proteins. The number of corresponding peptides is the higher number identified in at least one extract. ( +) Presence of a predicted signal peptide. (–) No predicted signal peptide. Identification of potential orthologs was performed by BLASTp search against NCBI and MicrosporidiaDB databases. (nd) not determined because of partial sequence.