Fig. 5. Contribution and composition of the optimized media.
A Relative contribution of medium components to cell culture at 168 h (regular mode). The top ten components and the sum of the remaining 19 components, i.e., Others, are indicated. Fivefold cross-validation of GBDT in the regular mode was applied. Standard deviations of five replicates are indicated. B Relative contribution of medium components to cell culture at 96 h (the time-saving mode). The top ten components and the sum of the remaining 19 components, i.e., Others, are indicated. Fivefold cross-validation of GBDT in the time-saving mode was applied. Standard deviations of five replicates are indicated. C Chemical component concentrations in the optimized media predicted by the regular and time-saving modes. The six chemical components, in which the concentrations were significantly different between the two modes, are shown. The green and blue circles represent the media optimized by the regular and time-saving modes. D Abundance of FBS in the optimized media. The concentrations of FBS in the optimized media predicted by the regular and time-saving modes are indicated as green and blue circles, respectively. The gray horizontal line indicates the serum concentration in the commercial EMEM medium.