Fig. 6. Performance of the ML-optimized media.
A Comparison of the optimized media predicted with the regular and time-saving modes. The top ten media, which showed the highest A450 absorbance of cell culture, are shown. The dashed line indicates the cell culture in EMEM. The boxplots show the median (center line), interquartile range (bounds of box), the range of typical data values (whiskers), and outliers (circle). B Comparison of A450 between the selected and EMEM media. The selected medium is the medium that achieved the highest A450 in round 3 of the regular mode. The concentrations of choline and pyridoxal were tenfold higher and those of folic acid and FBS were tenfold lower in the selected medium compared to EMEM. Thiamine was absent in the selected medium. Standard errors (s.d.) of biological replicates (N = 2) are indicated. C Comparison of cellular A450 between the selected and EMEM media. The ratio between the mean A450 and the mean number of viable cells is shown. An arbitrary unit is shown as a.u.