Figure 6.
NR_109/FUBP1/c-Myc was a positive feedback loop to promote M2-like macrophage polarization. (A) The JASPAR and (B) PROMO database indicated that c-Myc was a potential transcription factor of NR_109 and the binding sequence was CACGTG. (C) The ChIP and (D) dual-luciferase reporter assays showed that c-Myc directly interacted with the promoter of NR_109. (E) Expression of NR_109 in M2-c-Myclow cells and M2-c-Mychigh cells was measured by qPCR. (F–G) The correlation between the expression of NR_109 and FUBP1, and (H–I) the protein level of FUBP1 and c-Myc in CD68+ TAMs of GC and BC tissues were detected using ISH and IHC assays. (J–K) The correlation between the expression of c-Myc and NR_109 in CD68+ TAMs of GC, BC and LC tissues was analyzed by ISH and IHC assays. The statistical data are from three independent experiments and the bar indicates the SD values (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01). FUBP1, far upstream element-binding protein 1.