a–f, Summary of tasks that have commonly been used to study performance monitoring; except those requiring reading (c,e), the tasks are suitable for both macaques and humans. For each task, the sequence of screens shown to the participant (left side) and the timing of critical events during a trial (right side) are shown. a,b, Stop-signal task, which requires participants to stop a movement when the stop signal is shown (red). c–f, Screens for the four human tasks: Stroop task, flanker task, multisource interference task (MSIT) and Simon task, in which participants are prompted to make a response by button press indicating the word colour, unique number, central target orientation or identity of the target, respectively. g, Timing applicable to all tasks shown in parts c–f. See Supplementary Fig. 1 for an illustration of the other three commonly used tasks: change-signal task, go–no-go task and antisaccade task. Table 2 shows the cognitive constructs engaged by these tasks.