Figure 3. Coexpression of exhaustion markers PD1, LAG3, and Tim3 cooperates for the rapid decrease of AFP499+ CTLs.
(A) AFP499+ CTLs decreased rapidly in the AFP immunization only or combined with the c-MYC/Mcl1 hydrodynamically injected mice. (B) Representative results of AFP499+ CTLs at their peak (D0) or 1 week later (D7) in an AFP-immunized mouse. (C and D) The AFP499+ CTLs (C) are observed to concomitantly express exhaustion markers, including PD1, LAG3, and Tim3. C and D are gated on the same population of CD3+CD8+ T cells. W, week(s); D, day(s); AFP499+, AFP499 peptidespecific CD8+ T cells; PD1, programmed cell death protein 1; LAG3, lymphocyte-activation gene 3; Tim3, T cell immunoglobulin and mucin protein 3; Immu, immunization.