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. 2023 Jan 5;10(2):195–205. doi: 10.1007/s40801-022-00348-w

Table 4.

Best overall responses in patients with assessments using with mRECIST criteria

Assessment using mRECIST
(n = 494)
Best overall response, n (%)
 Complete response 36 (7.3)
 Partial response 159 (32.2)
 Stable disease 195 (39.5)
 Progressive disease 104 (21.1)
 Not evaluable 0 (0.0)
ORRa, % (95 % CI) 39.5 (35.1–43.9)
DCRb, % (95 % CI) 78.9 (75.1–82.5)

CI confidence interval, DCR disease control rate, mRECIST modified Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors, ORR objective response rate

aORR = proportion of patients with complete response and partial response

bDCR = proportion of patients with complete response, partial response, and stable disease