Fig. 7.
Template map ICs are engaged in a behaviorally specific manner. A) Template IC maps for four animals with all three behaviors showing the behavior or combination of behaviors in which each IC participates. Each color corresponds to a specific behavior or combination of behaviors. B) Similar to A, template IC maps for two animals in which grooming behavior was not present. C) Scatter plot showing the percentage of template ICs involved in each behavior or combination of behaviors. The only significant difference in % ICs was ALL versus G/W (Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA P = 0.01; post-hoc Dunn’s comparisons G/W-ALL P = 0.01, all others P > 0.05). NM—No match, R—Rest, W—Walk, G—Groom, R/W—Rest and walk, G/R—Groom and rest, G/W—Groom and walk, ALL—All behaviors. Scale bar: 1 mm.