Artifact masses reported
by TopFD, ProMex, FlashDeconv, and Xtract
from the first replicate of the OC data and the first replicate of
the SW620 data. (a) Number of top proteoform features against the
percentage of valid features for the first replicate of the OC data.
Numbers (b) and percentages (c) of valid, low harmonic, high harmonic
masses, and isotopologues in all features reported by the tools from
the first replicate of the OC data. (d) Number of top proteoform features
against the percentage of valid features for the first replicate of
the SW620 data. Numbers (e) and percentages (f) of valid, low harmonic,
high harmonic masses, and isotopologues in all features reported by
the tools from the first replicate of the SW620 data.