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. 2023 May 31;2023(5):CD014513. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD014513

Orsama 2013.

Study characteristics
Methods Active assistance technology reduces glycosylated hemoglobin and weight in individuals with type 2 diabetes: results of theory‐based randomized trial
Patient RCT, conducted in Sipoo, Finland, Community Health Centre, Finland
Two arms: 1. Control group (control arm) and 2. Intervention group (intervention arm)
Participants Control arm N: 29
Intervention arm N: 27
Diabetes type: type 2
Mean age: NR ± NR
% Male: NR
Longest follow‐up: 10 months
Interventions Control arm:
Intervention arm:
1) Electronic patient registry
2) Facilitated relay of clinical information
3) Promotion of self‐management
4) Patient reminders
Outcomes 1) HbA1c, mean % (SD)
Control arm: pre 7.1 (1.5), post 7.1 (NR)
Intervention arm: pre 6.9 (1.6), post 6.5 (NR)
2) SBP, mean mmHg (SD)
Control arm: pre 146.5 (15.3), post 136.7 (NR)
Intervention arm: pre 157.0 (15.6), post 136.5 (NR)
3) DBP, mean mmHg (SD)
Control arm: pre 84.7 (9.1), post 78.4 (NR)
Intervention arm: pre 88.5 (10.3), post 78.0 (NR)
Funding source The Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, Technical Research Centre of Finland, and Bayer HealthCare are acknowledged for funding the study.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Generated list of random numbers.
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Not reported.
Patient's baseline characteristics (selection bias) Low risk Tables and text.
Patient's baseline outcomes (selection bias) High risk Secondary outcome: SBP (P = 0.029).
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) High risk ~17.7% lost to follow‐up in control; ~11% in intervention. N = 3 did not complete baseline in control; imbalanced reasons between groups.
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) and of outcome assessors (detection bias) Unclear risk No objective laboratory methods described for primary (HbA1c); and secondary (SBP, DBP) outcomes.
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk < 2005 approach used since no protocol; methods match results.
Risk of contamination (other bias) Low risk Information not available.
Other bias Low risk Information not available.