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. 2023 Jan 24;46(6):1145–1155. doi: 10.2337/dc22-1467

Table 1.

Descriptive characteristics by tertile of PAEE: UK Biobank (n = 90,096)

PAEE Whole sample
Tertile 1 Tertile 2 Tertile 3
Sample size (% of total analysis sample) 30,032 (33.3) 30,032 (33.3) 30,032 (33.3) 90,096 (100.0)
PAEE range (kJ · kg−1 · day−1) 2.8–36.1 36.1–45.4 45.4–129.2 2.8–129.2
PAEE (kJ · kg−1 · day−1), mean (SD) 29.9 (4.8) 40.6 (2.6) 54.1 (8.0) 41.5 (11.4)
MVPA (h · day−1), mean (SD) 0.7 (0.3) 1.2 (0.3) 1.9 (0.5) 1.2 (0.6)
Diabetes incident events, n (%) 1,111 (3.7) 578 (1.9) 329 (1.1) 2,018 (2.2)
Age, years, mean (SD) 64.5 (7.5) 62.3 (7.7) 60.1 (7.7) 62.3 (7.8)
Age-group, years
 <60 7,982 (26.6) 11,252 (37.5) 14,476 (48.2) 33,710 (37.4)
 60–70 14,112 (47.0) 13,566 (45.2) 12,385 (41.2) 40,063 (44.5)
 >70 7,938 (26.4) 5,214 (17.4) 3,171 (10.6) 16,323 (18.1)
Female sex 15,333 (51.1) 17,623 (58.7) 18,478 (61.5) 51,434 (57.1)
 White 29,310 (97.6) 29,213 (97.3) 28,990 (96.5) 87,513 (97.1)
 Asian excluding Chinese 245 (0.8) 253 (0.8) 262 (0.9) 760 (0.8)
 Chinese 43 (0.1) 57 (0.2) 97 (0.3) 197 (0.2)
 Black 177 (0.6) 219 (0.7) 310 (1.0) 706 (0.8)
 Mixed 136 (0.5) 141 (0.5) 189 (0.6) 466 (0.5)
 Any other ethnic group 121 (0.4) 149 (0.5) 184 (0.6) 454 (0.5)
Townsend index of deprivation, mean (SD) −1.7 (2.9) −1.8 (2.8) −1.8 (2.8) −1.8 (2.8)
Highest education level achieved
 No qualification 2,953 (9.8) 2,189 (7.3) 1,983 (6.6) 7,125 (7.9)
 Any other qualification 14,328 (47.7) 14,364 (47.8) 14,606 (48.6) 43,298 (48.1)
 Degree level or above 12,751 (42.5) 13,479 (44.9) 13,443 (44.8) 39,673 (44.0)
Employment status
 Unemployed 14,427 (48.0) 11,519 (38.4) 9,376 (31.2) 35,322 (39.2)
 In paid employment 15,605 (52.0) 18,513 (61.6) 20,656 (68.8) 54,774 (60.8)
Smoking status
 Never 16,463 (54.8) 17,542 (58.4) 17,905 (59.6) 51,910 (57.6)
 Previous 11,164 (37.2) 10,656 (35.5) 10,431 (34.7) 32,251 (35.8)
 Current 2,405 (8.0) 1,834 (6.1) 1,696 (5.6) 5,935 (6.6)
Alcohol drinking status
 Never 1,838 (6.1) 1,558 (5.2) 1,538 (5.1) 4,934 (5.5)
 Less than twice a week 14,131 (47.1) 13,413 (44.7) 13,316 (44.3) 40,860 (45.4)
 At least three times a week 14,063 (46.8) 15,061 (50.1) 15,178 (50.5) 44,302 (49.2)
Sleep duration (h)
 <7 6,503 (21.7) 6,478 (21.6) 6,587 (21.9) 19,568 (21.7)
 7–8 20,981 (69.9) 21,732 (72.4) 22,123 (73.7) 64,836 (72.0)
 >8 2,548 (8.5) 1,822 (6.1) 1,322 (4.4) 5,692 (6.3)
Fruit and vegetable intake score, mean (SD) 1.6 (1.1) 1.7 (1.1) 1.8 (1.2) 1.7 (1.1)
Parental history of diabetes
 No 25,088 (83.5) 24,934 (83.0) 24,938 (83.0) 74,960 (83.2)
 Yes 4,944 (16.5) 5,098 (17.0) 5,094 (17.0) 15,136 (16.8)
BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD) 27.8 (4.8) 26.5 (4.2) 25.3 (3.8) 26.5 (4.4)
BMI (kg/m2)
 Underweight (<18.5) 111 (0.4) 150 (0.5) 282 (0.9) 543 (0.6)
 Normal weight (18.5–25) 8,677 (28.9) 11,965 (39.8) 15,332 (51.1) 35,974 (39.9)
 Overweight (25–30) 13,217 (44.0) 12,874 (42.9) 11,175 (37.2) 37,266 (41.4)
 Obese (>30) 8,027 (26.7) 5,043 (16.8) 3,243 (10.8) 16,313 (18.1)
Prevalent CVD
 No 21,144 (70.4) 228,35 (76.0) 24,240 (80.7) 68,219 (75.7)
 Yes 8,647 (28.8) 6,960 (23.2) 5,598 (18.6) 21,205 (23.5)
 Prevalent cancer
 No 25,695 (85.6) 26,514 (88.3) 27,203 (90.6) 79,412 (88.1)
 Yes 4,334 (14.4) 3,515 (11.7) 2,829 (9.4) 10,678 (11.9)
BMI genetic risk score tertile
 Lowest tertile 9,386 (31.3) 9,361 (31.2) 9,334 (31.1) 28,081 (31.2)
 Middle tertile 9,368 (31.2) 9,319 (31.0) 9,398 (31.3) 28,085 (31.2)
 Upper tertile 9,430 (31.4) 9,465 (31.5) 9,190 (30.6) 28,085 (31.2)
Insulin resistance risk score tertile
 Lowest tertile 9,470 (31.5) 9,277 (30.9) 9,336 (31.1) 28,083 (31.2)
 Middle tertile 9,457 (31.5) 9,454 (31.5) 9,173 (30.5) 28,084 (31.2)
 Upper tertile 9,257 (30.8) 9,414 (31.3) 9,413 (31.3) 28,084 (31.2)
T2D genetic risk score tertile
 Lowest tertile 9,366 (31.2) 9,394 (31.3) 9,323 (31.0) 28,083 (31.2)
 Middle tertile 9,434 (31.4) 9,421 (31.4) 9,229 (30.7) 28,084 (31.2)
 Upper tertile 9,384 (31.2) 9,330 (31.1) 9,370 (31.2) 28,084 (31.2)

Data are n (%) unless otherwise indicated. Season of wear was modeled as two orthogonal spline variables; a visualization of these variables has been previously published in Strain et al. (12). Genetic risk scores were derived for those of White European ancestry only. A higher Townsend index score indicates greater deprivation.