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. 2023 May 19;17:1160353. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1160353


Summary of average% flies that awaken from light pulse arousal for each genotype against each color of light stimulus.

Low intensity (10 μ W/cm2) High intensity (400 μ W/cm2)
UV Violet Blue Red UV Violet Blue Red
p12c 0.8503 0.6519 0.6375 0.7036 0.7905 0.7954 0.748 0.3611
gl60j 0.3379 0.3132 0.3147 0.317 0.7097 0.7091 0.6392 0.2145
cry-null 0.8199 0.5766 0.4928 0.5992 0.7119 0.7597 0.4706 0.3443
gl60j-cry-null 0.1705 0.2189 0.2268 0.2641 0.5701 0.4067 0.5631 0.2023
rh7-null 0.4767 0.4086 0.1794 0.6283 0.48 0.2372 0.2961 0.3132

Total average% flies that awaken from light pulse arousal responses of p12c, gl60j, cry-null, gl60j-cry-null, and rh7-null for UV, violet, blue, and red (365, 405, 450, and 635 nm, respectively) light stimulus. Left half of table represents the low intensity 10 μW/cm2 light pulses, and the right half of the table represents the high intensity 400 μW/cm2 light pulses. The green shading represents greater arousal responses, while the white shading represents smaller arousal responses.