Figure 3.
Graphic representation of the proteins coded by the P. aeruginosa HE2105886 genome (post-phage therapy isolate), that presented mutations when compared to pre-phage therapy isolate, with emphasis of changes associated with mechanisms of resistance and response to phage infection (12). Among them we highlight phage infection by adsorption as well as Quorum Sensing activation (1A, 1B) alteration of the antibiotic susceptibility (receptors and efflux pumps) (2A), inhibition of the phage infection (filamentous prophages, TA (toxin-antitoxin) systems and small molecules) (13–15) (2B) and finally, virulence (oxidative stress and secretion systems) (2C). aSmall molecules such as aminoglycosides which participate in the inhibition of the phage infection well as bacterial antimicrobial profile.