Fig. 5.
Estimated instantaneous reproduction number advantages of the Omicron variant. (A) Estimated instantaneous reproduction numbers and their ratios over time while accounting for differences in the generation-interval distributions. (B) Estimated instantaneous reproduction numbers and their ratios over time while assuming identical generation-interval distributions. The instantaneous reproduction number of each variant is estimated using the renewal equation by shifting the smoothed case curves by one week (Fig. 2C). The intrinsic generation-interval distribution is approximated by the maximum likelihood estimates of the forward generation-interval distributions for within-household transmission pairs based on r = −0.05 for the Delta variant (black) and r = 0.15 for the Omicron variant (orange). Purple lines represent the ratio between the effective reproduction numbers of the Delta and Omicron variants. Lines and shaded regions represent medians and corresponding 95% confidence intervals.