Table 1.
List of QTLs related to drought resistance identified by linkage mapping
Trait category | Phenotype | Mapping population | Sample size | Marker | Locus/QTL | Candidate gene | References |
Seedling stage | SR | Multiple parents introgression lines | 417 | 93 SSR | 7 QTLs (umc1351, etc.) | None | Hao et al. 2009 |
LTD, DTI, SFW, SDW | Zong 3 × 87-1 | 187 | 248 SSR | 9 QTLs (bnlg1556, etc.) | None | Liu et al. 2011 | |
Components of grain yield | GY, ASI, EAR | SD34 × SD35 | 230 | 70 RFLPs | 11 QTLs (umc76, etc.) | None | Agrama and Moussa 1996 |
MFLW, FFLW, ASI | Ac7643S5 × Ac7729/TZSRWS5 | 234 | 142 RFLPs | 57 QTLs (umc119, etc.) | None | Ribaut et al. 1996 | |
EL, EW, KWE, KN, etc. | B73 × H99 | 142 | 173 RFLPs | 34 QTLs (m16, etc.) | None | Frova et al. 1999 | |
L-ABA concentration | Os420 × IABO78 | 80 | 106 SSR | 17 QTLs (umc11, etc.) | None | Sanguineti et al. 1999 | |
GY, ASI, | Huangzao 4 × Ye 107 | 184 | 89 SSR | 20 QTLs (umc1160, etc.) | None | Li et al. 2003 | |
EL, KR, WK, KWP | Zong 3 × 87-1 | 221 | 261 SSR | 92 QTLs (bnlg1014, etc.) | None | Lu et al. 2006 | |
MFLW, ASI, GY, KNO, etc. | CML444 × SC-Malawi | 236 | 79 RFLPs and 81 SSR | 57 QTLs (umc128, etc.) | None | Messmer et al. 2009 | |
GY, ASI | 18 bi-parental populations | 3130 | from 118 to 202 SNPs | 68 mQTLs | 5 to 926 candidate genes in each mQTL | Semagn et al. 2013 | |
GY, ASI | 3 bi-parental populations | 781 | 1, 536 SNPs | 7 mQTLs | 16 (ZmMADS16, etc.) | Almeida et al. 2013 | |
Root traits | Lax, LLat, ERax, KLat, etc. | Ac7643 × Ac7729/TZSRW | 208 | 132 RFLPs | 13 QTLs (bin 2.02, etc.) | None | Ruta et al. 2010 |
PRL, SRL, CRL, SRN, etc. | DH1M × T877 | 204 | 56, 000 SNPs | 364 QTLs (SNP20, etc.) | None | Li et al. 2018 |
Abbreviations: SR survival rate, LTD leaf temperature differences, DTI drought tolerance index, SFW total shoot fresh weight, SDW shoot dry weight, GY grain yield, ASI anthesis-silking interval, EAR number of ears per plant, MFLW the time of male flowering, FFLW female flowering, EL ear length, EW ear weight, KWE kernel weight per ear, KN kernel number per ear, KNO the number of kernels per square meter, Lax axile root length, LLat lateral root length, ERax elongation rates of axile roots, KLat rate constant of lateral root elongation, PRL the length of primary root, SRL seminal root, CRL crown root, SRN the number of seminal roots