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. 2023 Jun 2;18(6):e0286584. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286584

Table 5. Water and sand exposures reported among beachgoers, stratified by highest education completed in the household, Woodbine Beach, Toronto, 2022.

Exposure N (%)
High school or less (N = 186) College/trades/ apprenticeship (N = 119) Bachelor’s degree (N = 153) Post-graduate (N = 130)
Water contact 104 (55.9) 74 (62.2) 83 (54.2) 50 (38.5)
 Swimming 85 (45.7) 55 (46.2) 60 (39.2) 33 (25.4)
 Wading (below one’s waist) 44 (23.7) 27 (22.7) 29 (19.0) 20 (15.4)
 Face contact with water 43 (23.1) 30 (25.2) 31 (20.3) 14 (10.8)
 Swallowing water 21 (11.3) 11 (9.2) 16 (10.5) 4 (3.1)
Sand contacta 96 (51.6) 62 (52.1) 71 (46.4) 80 (61.5)
 Digging in the sand 84 (45.2) 59 (49.6) 67 (43.8) 76 (58.5)
 Burying oneself in the sand 22 (11.8) 15 (12.6) 11 (7.2) 19 (14.6)
 Sand in mouth 23 (22.8) 11 (17.2) 14 (17.7) 17 (20.5)

a We defined sand contact as digging in the sand or burying oneself in the sand.