Figure 6.
Thermodynamics of ESV binding to MProWTand its catalytic dyad mutants.A, chemical structure of ensitrelivir (ESV). B, superposition of the crystal structures of MProWT-NMV (light pink cartoon, yellow carbon atoms) and MProWT-ESV (blue cartoon, cyan carbon atoms) complexes. H41 rotates ∼135° around the Cα-Cβ bond away from C145 to accommodate the chlorine atom present in P1′ group of ESV. C–E, binding isotherms of ESV to MProWT and catalytic dyad mutants. Titrations were performed in buffer C at 28 °C with 30 μM protein in the cell and inhibitor in the syringe. F, comparison of the Kd and enthalpy/entropy compensation upon binding of NMV and ESV to MProWT and catalytic dyad mutants (Table 1).