Diagram of 57 interacting proteins functioning in cell cycle and transcription control contained in the DIP database. Each open circle represents a protein; each line is an experimentally determined interaction. Cell division protein kinase 6 (Cdk6) bridges cell cycle control proteins with transcription related proteins by interacting with both cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor (Kip1) and E2F related transcription factor (DP1). The highlighted proteins are the following: Rb (retinoblastoma associated protein), Kip1 (cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor), TBP (TATA binding protein associated factor II), cyclin B1 (G2/mitotic specific cyclin B1), cdc25 (M phase inducer phosphatase 1), raf1 (proto-oncogene ser/thr protein kinase), ras (transforming protein p21/ras).