The 7BS KMT active site. Shown are the three-dimensional structures of the active site of the bacterial KMT PrmA (A) and mammalian DOT1L (B). The KMTs are shown in gray, except strand β4, which is shown in red, and with a key catalytic Asn residue (Asn191 in PrmA and Asn241 in DOT1L) in green. The substrate (L11 for PrmA and H3 for DOT1L) is shown in yellow, with the target lysine in orange (in the H3 structure, norvaline is a proxy for lysine). AdoMet is shown in magenta. The structural visualizations were made in PyMol version 2.4.1., using PDB entries 2NXN (PrmA–L11 complex), 2NXE (PrmA–AdoMet complex), and 6NJ9 (DOT1L–H3–AdoMet complex). 7BS, seven-β-strand; KMT, lysine-specific MTase.