Figure 6.
Response to sunitinib in a pediatric patient with Calcifying Nested Stromal Epithelial Tumor (CNSET) with aberrant activation of PDGFR-B, as assessed by OncoTarget analysis. (A) Chest computed tomography (CT) scan pre-sunitinib treatment: coronal section (left) and axial sections (middle and right) demonstrate numerous pulmonary metastases (red arrows) ranging from less than 1 to close to 3 cm in size. Several of the tumors were new or growing on serial scans during the preceding six months. (B) OncoTarget predictions on patient tumor. Multiple proteins were noted to be significantly activated (Bonferroni p < 10−5), but PDGFR-B activation was both the top prediction and also judged to be most actionable by the clinical team. (C) Chest CT following three cycles of sunitinib (six weeks each). Corresponding sections demonstrate that several of the tumors had decreased in size (red arrows) or were no longer radiologically evident.