Table 1. Life history attributes and distribution of shark species assessed in the present study.
Species name | Common name | Distribution | Habitat | Body size a (cm) | IUCN category | Traits b |
Alopias pelagicus | Pelagic thresher shark | Indo–Pacific | Oceanic and pelagic | 259–376 | Endangered | No evidence of philopatry; ovoviviparous |
Alopias superciliosus | Bigeye thresher shark | Global | Coastal, oceanic and pelagic | 470–484 | Vulnerable | No evidence of philopatry; ovoviviparous |
Alopias vulpinus | Common thresher shark | Global | Coastal, oceanic and pelagic | 575–635 | Vulnerable | No evidence of philopatry; ovoviviparous |
Carcharhinus altimus | Bignose shark | Global | Benthopelagic | 300 | Near threatened | Viviparous |
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoides | Graceful shark | Indo–west Pacific | Coastal and pelagic | 178–190 | Near threatened | Viviparous |
Carcharhinus amboinensis | Pigeye shark | Global | Coastal, oceanic and demersal | 280 | Data deficient | Residency, regional philopatry; viviparous |
Carcharhinus brevipinna | Spinner shark | Global | Coastal and pelagic | 280–283 | Near threatened | Regional philopatry, site fidelity; viviparous |
Carcharhinus dussumieri | Whitecheek shark | Indo–west Pacific | Coastal and demersal | 100–110 | Endangered | Viviparous |
Carcharhinus falciformis | Silky shark | Global | Coastal, oceanic and pelagic | 330–350 | Vulnerable | Site fidelity; viviparous |
Carcharhinus leucas | Bull shark | Global | Coastal & estuarine and reef-associated | 340–360 | Near threatened | Residency, regional philopatry and site fidelity; viviparous |
Carcharhinus limbatus | Common blacktip shark | Global | Coastal and reef-associated | 258–297 | Near threatened | Seasonal residency, regional philopatry and site fidelity; viviparous |
Carcharhinus longimanus | Oceanic whitetip shark | Global | Oceanic and pelagic | 350–395 | Critically endangered | Seasonal residency and site fidelity; viviparous |
Carcharhinus macloti | Hardnose shark | Indo–west Pacific | Reef-associated and demersal | 100–110 | Near threatened | Viviparous |
Carcharhinus melanopterus | Blacktip reef shark | Indo–Pacific | Coastal and reef-associated | 160 ≤ 200 | Vulnerable | Residency, site fidelity, natal philopatry; viviparous |
Carcharhinus plumbeus | Sandbar shark | Global | Coastal and benthopelagic | 200–300 | Near threatened | Seasonal residency, site fidelity; viviparous |
Carcharhinus sealei | Blackspotted shark | Indo–west Pacific | Reef-associated | 100 | Near threatened | Viviparous |
Carcharhinus sorrah | Spot-tail shark | Indo–west Pacific | Coastal and reef-associated | 160–180 | Near threatened | Residency; viviparous |
Carcharodon carcharias | Great white shark | Global | Oceanic and pelagic | 400–600 | Vulnerable | Ovoviviparous (oophagus) |
Carcharias taurus | Sand tiger | Atlantic, Indo–west Pacific | Coastal, reef-associated and demersal | 320 | Vulnerable | Seasonal residency, site fidelity; ovoviviparous |
Cetorhinus maximus | Basking shark | Atlantic, Pacific and Artic | Coastal, oceanic and pelagic | 1,200–1,220 | Endangered | Ovoviviparous (oviphagy) |
Chiloscyllium griseum | Grey bamboo shark | Indo–west Pacific | Reef-associated and demersal | 77 | Vulnerable | Oviparous |
Chiloscyllium indicum | Slender bamboo shark | Indo–west Pacific | Coastal and demersal | 65 | Vulnerable | Oviparous |
Chiloscyllium punctatum | Brown banded bamboo shark | Indo–west Pacific | Reef-associated and demersal | 104 | Near threatened | Oviparous |
Galeocerdo cuvier | Tiger shark | Global | Coastal, oceanic and semi pelagic | 400 ≥ 550 | Near threatened | Residency, site fidelity; ovoviviparous |
Isurus oxyrinchus | Short mako shark | Global | Coastal, oceanic and pelagic | 200–400 | Endangered | Site fidelity; ovoviviparous |
Isurus paucus | Longfin mako | Global | Oceanic, pelagic | 417–430 | Endangered | Site fidelity; ovoviviparous (oviphagy) |
Negaprion acutidens | Sicklefin lemon shark | Indo–Pacific | Coastal and demersal | 310–380 | Vulnerable | Residency, site fidelity; viviparous |
Negaprion brevirostris | Lemon shark | Atlantic, East Pacific | Coastal, reef-associated and demersal | 250–300 | Near threatened | Residency, site fidelity, natal philopatry; viviparous |
Prionace glauca | Blue shark | Global | Oceanic and pelagic | 383–385 | Near threatened | Viviparous |
Rhincodon typus | Whale shark | Global | Coastal, oceanic and semi pelagic | 1,600–2,100 | Endangered | Site fidelity; ovoviviparous |
Rhizoprionodon oligolinx | Grey sharpnose shark | Indo–west Pacific | Coastal, reef-associated | 70 | Least concern | Viviparous |
Rhizoprionodon acutus | Milk shark | Indo–west Pacific | Benthopelagic | 178–180 | Vulnerable | Viviparous |
Scoliodon laticaudus | Spadenose shark | Indo–west Pacific | Coastal and demersal | 74–75 | Vulnerable | Viviparous |
Sphyrna lewini | Scalloped hammerhead shark | Global | Semi oceanic and semi pelagic | 370–420 | Critically endangered | Seasonal residency, regional philopatry and site fidelity; viviparous |
Sphyrna mokarran | Great hammerhead shark | Global | Semi oceanic and semi pelagic | 550–610 | Critically endangered | Site affinity; viviparous |
Sphyrna zygaena | Smooth hammerhead shark | Global | Semi oceanic and semi pelagic | 370–400 | Vulnerable | Regional philopatry; viviparous |
Stegostoma fasciatum | Zebra shark | Not mapped | Coastal and demersal | 235–246 | Endangered | Seasonal residency and site fidelity; oviparous |
Triaenodon obesus | Whitetip reef shark | Indo–Pacific | Coastal and reef-associated | 170–213 | Vulnerable | Residency; viviparous |
Lamna ditropis | Salmon shark | North Pacific | Coastal, oceanic and pelagic | 221–305 | Least concern | Residency, seasonal residency, site fidelity, regional philopatry; ovoviviparous (oophagus) |
Lamna nasus | Porbeagle | North Atlantic and Southern hemisphere | Oceanic, coastal and pelagic | 350–365 | Vulnerable | Ovoviviparous (oophagus) |
Body size refers to the maximum total length of the adult shark. Total length is the length measured from the tip of the snout to the tip of the longer lobe of the caudal fin.
Traits refer to the type of philopatry and reproduction shown by the particular shark species.