Figure 3.
Flow cytometry data of 5 selected samples, indicating particles exceeding a side scatter cross-section of 6 nm2, having a diameter <1000 nm, and exceeding 61 molecules of equivalent soluble fluorophore for CD61-APC–labeled particles. Filled data points meet the criteria of being diluted ≥1.1 × 102-fold and having a count rate below 1.1 × 104 events·s−1. (A) PEV concentration vs dilution, in which the filled data points were fitted with a horizontal line. (B) Measured PEV concentration normalized to the mean concentration derived from the fit in panel A and plotted vs the dilution. Data of each donor are separated with an offset of 1. Horizontal lines indicate a ratio of 1, meaning that the measured concentration equals the mean concentration, while minor tick marks indicate a 20% deviation from the mean concentration. APC, allophycocyanin; PEV, platelet-derived extracellular vesicle.