Association between increasing biomarker level and risk of developing a clinical event for PRO-C3 and ALBI in the 3CN cohort.
Aalen–Johansen estimates of the cumulative incidence of liver-related outcome stratified by (A) baseline median PRO-C3 levels and (D) baseline median ALBI in the 3CN cohort. Shaded areas represent 95% CIs. Nelson–Aalen estimates of the cumulative hazard of liver-related outcome in the 3CN cohort for (B) PRO-C3 baseline levels and (E) ALBI baseline levels below and above the median. Hazard ratio for liver-related outcome according to increasing biomarker level for (C) PRO-C3 and (F) ALBI estimated by Cox regression in the 3CN cohort. The baseline hazard corresponds to the median level of each biomarker. 3CN, Compensated Cirrhosis Cohort in Nottingham; ALBI, albumin–bilirubin.