Table 1.
Studies on the Accuracy or Reliability of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Diagnosis of Posterior Ligamentous Complex injury.
Author | Objectives | Levels | Data collection | Number of Patients | Number of reviewers | MRI field strength | Definition of PLC Injury | Key Findings |
Aly et al (2022) | Frequency of change of fracture classification by MRI compared to CT alone | T1-L5 | Retrospective | 244 | 4 | 1.5 T and 3 T MRI | Black stripe discontinuity due to SSL or LF rupture | MRI changes the fracture classification in 10 % of cases. Perfect agreement on MRI evaluation of PLC(k = .89). |
Mehta et al (2021) | To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of MRI in PLC injury compared to intraoperative findings | T1-L3 | Prospective | 58 | 2 | Not specified | Black stripe discontinuity due to SSL or LF rupture | MRI sensitivity for intact PLC components ranged from 100% SSL to 66.67% LF. MRI specificity ranged from 100% ISL to 52% thoracolumbar fascia. |
Lee et al (2015) | To evaluate spine MRI inter-reader and intra-reader reliabilities for the TLICS score | Thoracolumbar | Retrospective | 100 | 1 | 1.5 T and 3 T MRI | Not specified | Inter-reader agreement of MRI was fair to moderate (k = .440 for the first and .389 for the second review) for PLC integrity. Intra-reader agreement was .423-.616. Experience did not influence difference in inter-reader agreement |
Pizones et al(2013) | To study MRI accuracy for detecting PLC injury | T1-L5 | Prospective | 58 | 3 | Not specified | Black stripe discontinuity due to SSL or LF rupture | MRI sensitivity for injury diagnosis of each isolated PLC component varied between 92.3% ISL and 100% LF 100% SSL. PLC integrity sensitivity and specificity as a whole were 91% and 100%. |
Vaccaro et al (2009) | To study MRI accuracy for detecting PLC injury compared to intraoperative findings | T1-L3 | Prospective | 42 | 1 | Not specified | Any high signal intensity with or without black stripe discontinuity | MRI sensitivity for the various components of the PLC ranged from 79% left FC to 90% ISL. The specificity ranged from 53% thoracolumbar fascia to 65% LF, the PPV ranged from 70.4% left FC to 78.4% ISL, and the NPV ranged from 50.0% thoracolumbar fascia to 88.2% right FC. |
Dai et al (2009) | To measure the reliability of MRI in detecting PLC injury. | T11-L1 | Retrospective | 61 | 3 | 1.5-Tesla MRI | Any high signal intensity with or without black stripe discontinuity | The kappa coefficients for ISL or SSL injury ranged .601 to .736, representing substantial to almost perfect agreement. |
Schweitzner et al (2007) | To determine the interrater reliability of indicators of PLC integrity on MRI and CT | T3-L3 | Retrospective | 13 | 13 | 16-slice CT 1.5-Tesla MRI |
1) facet joint diastasis on CT; (2) high signal intensity in the region of PLC components on sagittal T2W FAT SAT MRI; and (3) discontinuity of black strip on sagittal T1W MRI | Absolute interrater percent agreement on facet diastasis and posterior edema-like signal in the region of PLC components on sagittal T2-weighted MRI was similar (agreement 70.5%).Facet joint diastasis on CT was the most reliable indicator of PLC disruption (κ = .395). |
Haba et al (2003) | To assess the diagnostic accuracy of MRI in detection of PLC injury compared to intraoperative findings | T2-L5 | Retrospective | 35 | 3 | .5-1.5-tesla MRI | Any high signal intensity with or without black stripe discontinuity | The diagnostic accuracy of MR imaging in detecting injury of the SSL and ISL was 90.5 and 94.3%, respectively. T1W MRI alone was more specific injury than T2W MRI alone. The overall mean κ coefficient for MR imaging findings of PLC injury was .803,and was greater for ISL (κ = .915) compromise than SSL (κ = .69) compromise. |
Lee et al (2000) | To assess the reliability of MRI for PLC injury in thoracolumbar spinal fractures. | Thoracolumbar | Prospective | 34 | 1 | Not specified | A wide interspinous gap compared with the adjacent interspinous spaces on palpation or plain radiography (more than a 20% increase | SSL injury was suspected on MRI in 27 patients, ISL in 30 patients, and LF in 9 patients. There were 28 SSL injuries, 29 ISL injuries, and 7 LF injuries in operative findings. There was a significant relation between MRI interpretation and operative findings. |
Emery et al (1989) | To review the accuracy MRI findings of patients with PLC injury compared to CT alone | Thoracolumbar | Retrospective | 37 | NR | 1.0 T or 1.5 Tesla MRI | Any high signal intensity with or without black stripe discontinuity | MRI detected ligament damage in 17/19 (89%) cases of PLC injury. However, the only misdiagnosed thoracolumbar PLC injury was the only MRI performed without T2 sequences and performed at an outside hospital |
Abbreviations: MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; SSL, supraspinous ligament; PLC, posterior ligamentous complex; CT, computed tomography; LF, ligamentum flavum; FC, facet joint capsules; ISL, interspinous ligament.