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. 2023 Apr 12;12:e84669. doi: 10.7554/eLife.84669

Author response image 1. (a) Larval size (corresponding to larval longitudinal length at day 6 after egg laying) (b) time to pupation (D50, corresponding to the day in which 50% of the larvae pupate) of eggs associated with different concentrations of WT and DltaS strains.

Author response image 1.

1x corresponds to 108 CFUs while 10x corresponds to 109 CFUs. (c) Number of CFUs on fly food and larvae at days 3, 5, and 7 after inoculation with WT and ∆ltaS at different concentrations (D0) of L1 larvae: 1x corresponds to 108 CFUs while 10x corresponds to 109 CFUs. (d) Larval longitudinal length after inoculation with strains WT, ∆dltop, ∆ltaS or PBS and different amounts of purified lipoteichoic acid (LTA) from WT or ∆dltXABCD strains. On the right panel we used 5x more purified LTA than on the left panel (Panel from the main manuscript). Larvae were collected six days after the first association and measured as described in the Methods.