Fig. 3.
Example data from a single typical quasi-static rate experiment with 2D-DIC. (a) Time-history of the mean axial Lagrangian strain (E22), with example images selected at zero compression and 50 % compressive strain. The red dashed box indicates the region of interest used for DIC. (b) Example 2D-DIC displacement fields (u1, top, and u2, bottom) on the specimen surface at approximately 10 % axial strain. Note that u1 is nominally symmetric about the vertical centerline and the u2 component is minimum at the bottom edge and maximum at the top edge, since the uniaxial compression is applied between a fixed top platen and moving bottom platen. (c) Analogously to (b), the 2D-DIC displacement fields (u1, top, and u2, bottom) on the specimen surface at approximately 50 % axial strain, showing a small amount of frictional confinement on the upper platen in u1. (d) The axial engineering stress and mean transverse Lagrangian strain plotted against the mean axial Lagrangian strain for one example. Standard uncertainty on stress is circa ±0.18 kPa.