Consistency of peptide
chromatographic peak areas, retention times,
and identifications from nano-LC-MS analysis when samples were prepared
with the detergent-free one-pot rapid digestion protocol. RBCs were
spotted and counted in OP384 and processed using a detergent-free
one-pot rapid digestion described herein. The input number of RBCs
ranged from 0 to 8 RBCs with 0 RBCs serving as a background control.
The X-axes denote the number of RBCs input. Panels
A, B, and C depict peak areas and total ion chromatogram (TIC) normalized
peak areas for trypsin and Lys-C derived HSA, HBB, and HBA peptides,
respectively, and across all replicates. Panel D depicts peptide retention
times for HSA (left), HBB (middle), and HBA (right) across all replicates;
human serum albumin (HSA), hemoglobin beta subunit (HBB), hemoglobin
alpha subunit (HBA).