a, Quantification of GPR183 ligand (Lipid) and precursors (LipidHsd3b7+Cyp7b1) in lymph of mice treated for 24 hours with NF or HCF. b, Representative staining of lipids by Oil Red O and Hematoxylin counterstaining of 7μm duodenum section from mice treated with 3% of PL81 (vol/vol) or vehicle (saline). Scale bar is 100μm. c, Plasma of mice untreated (red-clear apparency) or treated (milky apparency) with Poloxamer 407 to prevent chylomicrons clearance. d, M12 migration assay with lipid extracts (GPR183 ligand) from lymph and plasma of mice upon Poloxamer 407 or saline treatment. e, Triglycerides (TG) quantification in chylomicron and non-chylomicron fractions isolated from human plasma at the indicated time after exposure to lipid-based meal. The results were pooled from three independent experiments (a and d)(n=5 mice per group); (e)(n=3 biologically independent samples). Statistics were measured as two-sided unpaired Student’s t-test (***p<0.001,****p<0.0001) in (a,d) and two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s correction (***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001) in (e). Exact P values and adjustments are provided in Source data. The error bars represent the mean ± s.e.m.