Fig. 2.
Serotonin (5-HT) increases contractility in atrial preparations of mice overexpressing 5-HT4 receptors. A Representative original recording of a concentration response curve for 5-HT in an isolated electrically stimulated (1 Hz) left atrial preparation from 5-HT4-TG. B Concentration- and time-dependent positive inotropic effect of 5-HT in isolated electrically stimulated (1 Hz) atrial preparations from 5-HT4-TG. Basal force of contraction amounted to 2.74 ± 0.29 mN. C Concentration effect of 5-HT on time to peak tension and on time of relaxation in isolated electrically stimulated (1 Hz) left atrial preparations from 5-HT4-TG. Basal time to peak tension amounted to 14.18 ± 0.3 ms and basal time of relaxation amounted to 31.82 ± 1.69 ms. D Concentration-dependent effect of 5-HT on maximum rate of tension development (dF/dt max) and minimum rate of tension development (dF/dt min) in isolated electrically stimulated (1 Hz) left atrial preparations from 5-HT4-TG. Basal maximum rate of tension development amounted to 177.06 ± 20.74 mN/s and basal minimum rate of tension development amounted to − 99.6 ± 11.31 mN/s. *Indicates the first significant difference versus control (Ctr = before drugs addition). Numbers in brackets = number of experiments