The lumbar spinal cord is capable of producing stereotyped rhythmic motor outputs with different multi-muscle activation patterns and a range of cycle frequencies in response to epidural electrical stimulation (EES). a (i) Fast rhythmic activity with a cycle frequency of 1.01 Hz and alternation between single phases of synchronous activity in multiple muscles and brief silent phases. (ii) Rhythmic activity with a cycle frequency of 0.45 Hz showing clear alternation between two distinct phases of muscle activation. This pattern exhibits essential elements that define CPG-associated locomotion in reduced animal models6, i.e., reciprocal activity in antagonistic muscles (green bursts) and in some homologous muscles of both legs (light blue bursts). Further complexity is seen in the double-bursting pattern of the bifunctional rectus femoris (RF; hip-flexor, knee-extensor). The backgrounds mark phases of dominant activation of the monofunctional flexor muscle tibialis anterior (TA) of the right lower limb. EES was applied throughout the entire time windows displayed, (i) recording EES 4, active contacts: 0+1−, stimulation frequency: 29.4 Hz, stimulation amplitude: 7 V, pulse width: 210 µs; (ii) recording EES 3, 0–3+, 29.4 Hz, 6 V, 210 µs. Same location of the epidural lead, with the four in-line electrodes, labeled as 0 to 3 from rostral to caudal, located at the T12 vertebral level. b Mean electromyographic (EMG) envelopes averaged from all rhythmic cycles displayed in a. c Mean EMG integrals of the rhythmic activity, shown separately for the phases with a dominant activation of the right TA (flex., flexion-like phase) and for the phases in-between (silent phases in (i) and ext., extension-like phases in (ii)). Note the strong activation of the right TA that showed little activation during spinal myoclonus. Radial axes of the polar plots are muscles and polar coordinates are mean integrated EMG activities. AD, adductors; CPG, central pattern generator; cycleRTA, one cycle of rhythmic activity starting from the onset of right TA bursts; H hamstrings muscle group; L left; R right; TS triceps surae muscle group. Source data are provided in the Source Data file.