Table 3.
Project output example | Recommendations | Possible venues |
Raw image data e.g., | Large, complex data sets should be deposited in a public image archive to enable access. |
Electron microscopy public image archive (EMPIAR; Image Data Resource (IDR, BioImage Archive ( BioStudies database ( Cell centered database ( Nanotomy ( OpenOrganelle ( WormAtlas ( |
Raw contributor data e.g., e.g., | Sensitive fields should be removed from the classification export prior to sharing. Sharing contributions as a spreadsheet rather than binary masks will reduce the digital footprint. A disclaimer should be provided if the data may contain offensive classifications. Relevant data contributed by experts should also be shared. |
GitHub ( Biostudies ( |
Aggregated contributor data e.g., | The mode of data aggregation should be carefully communicated in conjunction with aggregated contributor data. Data may be shared within a spreadsheet via a binary mark. |
GitHub ( Biostudies ( |
Aggregation code e.g. | Aggregation algorithms should be shared for re-use. | GitHub ( |
Machine learning code and data e.g. e.g. | The accessibility of any shared code for the intended end-user should be considered. |
GitHub ( BioImage Model Zoo ( ZeroCostDL4Mic ( Model Zoo ( Jupyter notebooks |
Microscopy protocols | Version control should be carefully applied to ensure precise information is captured for each iteration of an experiment. | ( |