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[Preprint]. 2023 May 20:2023.05.18.541176. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.05.18.541176

Table 1:

Comparison of the average unit activations in response to MEIs in two paradigms 1) within architectures and 2) cross architectures, for two architectures ResNet and Attention CNN.

Paradigm Within (ResNet) Cross (ResNet) Within (Attention) Cross (Attention)

Gradient Ascent 11.43 5.51 7.59 4.42
EGG Diffusion 11.76 6.53 10.56 5.50

Bold marks the method which has higher mean activation, and the † marks the increases which are statistically significant (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, respective p-values: 0.08, 2.87·10−6, 2.84·10−10, 4.39·10−5).