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[Preprint]. 2023 May 18:2023.05.16.540982. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.05.16.540982

Table 1.

Different values for the three parameter sets Default, Paper, and Thesis

Parameter Unit Default Paper Thesis Description

Initial Values
Ca2+e mM 0.01963 0.025 0.019 Ca2+ in ER
Na+tot mM 165 160 160 Tot. Na+ available
Na+out mM 150 145 145 Na+ in extracelluar space
Vm V −0.08588 −0.085 −0.085 Membrane voltage
IGluTmax pAμm2 0.75 0.68 0.75 Max. current of IGluT
INCXmax pAμm2 0.001 0.1 0.1 Max. current of INCX
gNaLeak μSμm2 13 6.5 13 Conductance of NA+ leak
gKLeak μSμm2 162.46 79.1 162.46 Conductance of K+ leak
νβ mMs 1e-4 5e-5 5e-5 Max. production of IP3 by PLC β
rL 1s 0.055 0.11 0.11 Ca2+ leak rate between ER and intracellular space
rC 1s 3 6 6 Max. CICR rate
νER mMs 0.0045 0.004 0.004 Max. Ca2+ uptake by SERCA