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[Preprint]. 2023 May 18:2023.05.16.540982. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.05.16.540982

Table 9.

This table lists the state variable related weights used for the deep learning algorithm with new leak computation. Values that changed in comparison to the previous weights (Table 2) are indicated in bold.

State Variable wo wData wODE

Ca2+i 1e-04 1e+04 1e+04
Ca2+e 1e-02 1e+02 1e+03
h 1e-01 1e+01 1e+02
IP3i 1e-04 1e+04 1e+04
Na+i 1e+01 1e-01 1e-01
K+i 1e+02 1e-01 1e-01
V −1e-01 5e+01 5e-01