a) qRT-PCR of human COL11A1 and endogenous mouse Mmp3 in SV40 immortalized mouse costal chondrocytes transduced with the lentiviral vector only (lanes 1,2), human WT COL11A1 (lane 3), or COL11A1P1335L. Values represent the ratio of each gene expression to that of GAPDH, and values are mean ± standard deviation. Significant quantitative changes (P ≤0.05) relative to vector-only transfected cells as measured by unpaired t-tests are shown by *. Results shown for N=4 biologic replicates, each including 3 technical replicates.
b) Western blot corresponding to experiments shown in (a) using HA antibody to detect epitope-tagged human collagen a1(XI), COL11A1 antibody to detect mouse and human collagen a1(XI), MMP3 antibody to detect endogenous mouse MMP3, and GAPDH. Values are mean after normalization to GAPDH, ± standard deviation. Significant differences (P ≤0.05) relative to vector-only, Ad5-negative transfected cells as measured by unpaired t-tests are shown by *.