(A) circle center positions are parameterized in polar coordinates that are chosen randomly in the ranges and . Two consecutive circles ( and ) are shown and must respect the overlap rule described in (B): the distance between their respective centers, , must be greater or equal to the Nyquist distance, . (C), to satisfy a systematic full sampling of the -space center, a small subset (< 5%) of circles is positioned in rosette pattern in each ECCENTRIC encoding planes. (D), 3D -space sampling is achieved by a stack of ECCENTRIC encoding planes with variable to realize an ellipsoid coverage. (E) Diagram of the FID-ECCENTRIC 3D sequence. First, a 4-pulse WET water suppression technique is used, preceding the Shinnar–Le Roux optimized excitation pulse. After the excitation, the Cartesian encoding is performed along the z-axis, simultaneously to the gradient ramp along the x- and y-axes to reach the desired -space off-center position and velocity. Finally, a sinusoidal gradient waveform is applied along the x- and y-axis during acquisition to produce the circular trajectory.