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[Preprint]. 2023 May 23:arXiv:2305.13822v1. [Version 1]


The demographics of the brain tumor patients along with their histological and molecular diagnoses according to the World Health Organization guidelines (mIDHI = IDH1(R132H) mutation, wtIDH = IDH1/2 wild type). The quality of the MRSI data was rated based on the quality parameters (CRLB< 20%, FWHM< 0.1 ppm, SNR> 5) from spectral fitting by LCModel. Treatment prior to MRSI scan included: PBT = proton beam therapy, IMRT = intensity modulated radiotherapy, VMAT = volumetric modulated arc therapy, SRS = stereotactic radiosurgery, TMZ = temozolomide, HU = hydroxyurea, Bev = bevacizumab. ND = Not Diagnosed by pathology, presumptive diagnosis of glioma is based on imaging features.

Patient # Age/Gender Histological Diagnosis Molecular Diagnosis Treatment MRSI quality
Grade Type IDH1 status 1p/19q codel Other
01 31/M 2 Astrocytoma mIDHI not-deleted ATRX, TP53 No treatment Good
02 34/F 3 Astrocytoma mIDHI not-deleted No treatment Good
03 42/F 2 Astrocytoma mIDHI not-deleted PBT 60Gy Good
04 42/M 2 Astrocytoma mIDHI not-deleted ATRX IMRT 60 Gy + C6-TMZ Good
05 51/M 3 Anaplastic Astrocytoma mIDHI not-deleted ATRX, TP53 Surgery, PBT 60Gy, C6-TMZ Good
06 66/F 3 Oligodendroglioma mIDHI deleted TP53 No treatment Good
07 33/F 2 Oligodendroglioma mIDHI not-deleted No treatment Bad
08 28/F 2 Oligodendroglioma mIDHI not-deleted Surgery Good
09 50/M 2 Oligodendroglioma mIDHI not-deleted Surgery, XRT 60 Gy Good
10 57/M 2 Oligodendroglioma mIDHI deleted Surgery, C6-TMZ Good
11 52/F 2 Anaplastic
mIDHI not-deleted Surgery, IMRT 60Gy, C11-TMZ Good
12 62/F 2 Anaplastic
mIDHI deleted Surgery, VMAT 60Gy Good
13 28/M 4 Astrocytoma mIDHI not-deleted MGMT Surgery, XRT 60 Gy, C6-TMZ Good
14 37/M 4 Astrocytoma mIDHI not-deleted Surgery, IMRT 60 Gy, C4-TMZ, C5-(TMZ+HU), C9-TMZ Good
15 57/F 2 Astrocytoma wtIDH not-deleted XRT 60Gy + C6-TMZ Good
16 35/M 3 Anaplastic
wtIDH not-deleted Surgery, IMRT 60Gy, C18-TMZ, SRS, C4-Bev Good
17 35/M 4 Glioblastoma wtIDH not-deleted C7/C10, CDK4, EGFR VMAT 60Gy, C6-TMZ, C2-BEV Good
18 33/F ND Not diagnosed Not diagnosed Not diagnosed Not diagnosed No treatment Good
19 32/F ND Not diagnosed Not diagnosed Not diagnosed Not diagnosed No treatment Good
20 58/M ND Not diagnosed Not diagnosed Not diagnosed Not diagnosed No treatment Good