Fig 4. Identification of hsc82-M116I, which is specifically dependent on HCH1 and alters a residue in the lid that closes over bound ATP.
A. hsc82-M116I was expressed in isogenic hsc82hsp82 strains that do not contain deletion of any cochaperones (WT) or contain individual deletion of the cochaperone listed. Strains are listed in S2 Table. Cells were serially diluted 10-fold and grown at the indicated temperature for two days. B. WT HSC82 or hsc82-M116I were expressed in an hsc82hsp82 strain (WT) or an hch1hsc82hsp82 strain (hch1). Cells were transformed with empty vector (pRS426, -) or a plasmid overexpressing HCH1 (pRS426-HCH1, + HCH1), grown overnight at 30°C, serially diluted 10-fold, plated on selective media and grown for two days at the indicated temperature. C. Location of M116 and K102 (shown in pick) mapped onto the closed AMP-PNP bound structure (PBD 2CG9). Figure generated with EZMOL [78], nucleotide shown in orange. Below. Growth assays were quantified using at least two independent growth assays.