Figure 1.
Three tables of EcoGene data. (A) XREF12 contains cross-references of EcoGene EG accession numbers (EcoGene) and gene names (GN) to E.coli gene and protein record accession numbers in the SWISS-PROT, Coli Genetic Stock Center (CGSC) and GenBank databases, as well as to the University of Wisconsin ‘b’ numbers. (B) EGMAP12 contains genomic sequence and map locations for E.coli genes. EcoGene, EG accession numbers; GN, gene name; ORI, orientation of transcription; LeftEnd, the counterclockwise end of a gene; RightEnd, the clockwise end of a gene; CS, the centisome (= % = minute) map position of a gene, derived by dividing the LeftEnd basepair position by the length of the genome sequence (4 639 221 bp). (C) EGMAIN12 contains descriptive information about E.coli genes: the primary gene name (GN), the gene name mnemonic (MN), the gene description (GD), the gene type (GT; PROT or RNA), the gene product sequence length (LEN) and gene quality (GQ) fields.