Xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibitory activities of 100% ethanolic extracts (A), caffeic acid and luteolin (B). Statistical significance was expressed as p-value. All experiments were repeated three times. In Fig A p-value were expressed as **p < 0.001 vs. CON; # p < 0.05 vs. allopueriol; ## p < 0.001 vs. allopueriol; + p < 0.05 vs. 6.25 μg/mL; ++ p < 0.001 vs. 6.25 μg/mL; $ p < 0.05 vs. 25 μg/mL; $$ p < 0.05 vs. 25 μg/mL; @ p < 0.05 vs. 50 μg/mL; @ @ p < 0.001 vs. 50 μg/mL. In Fig B, p-value were expressed as *p < 0.05 vs. CON; **p < 0.001 vs. CON; ## p < 0.001 vs. allopueriol; + p < 0.05 vs. 12.5 μg/mL; ++ p < 0.001 vs. 12.5 μg/mL; $ p < 0.05 vs. 25 μg/mL; @ p < 0.05 vs. 50 μg/mL; & p < 0.05 vs. 100 μg/mL.