Table 1.
Challenge | Alternative method used |
UCLA-LS structure | |
1. The structure of the UCLA measure is unclear | 1. Several structures were considered alongside a three-factor ESEM model |
Sample | |
2. Unbalanced age groups may lead to biased measurement invariance findings | 2. Analyses were based on 100 random samples of balanced groups |
Measurement invariance testing | |
3. The chi-square difference test used to compare nested models is sensitive to sample size | 3. A CFI difference of .01 was used to compare the nested models |
4. The accuracy of CFI difference with polychoric data and WLSMV is not well established | 4. Items were treated as continuous and MLR was used to account for skewed data |
5. Model modification in the search for partial measurement invariance based on modification indices can be biased | 5. Where full measurement invariance was not achieved, alignment was considered |
6. Alignment is not implemented yet for ESEM models and modification indices are not available for multiple imputation | 6. Model modifications for the ESEM model were based on post-hoc pairwise comparisons using Wald tests |
7. RMSEA can be overestimated in models with small samples and degrees of freedom | 7. RMSEA was not considered in baseline models with degrees of freedom < 20 |
8. Breaking a continuous variable such as age into discrete groups has several theoretical and methodological limitations | 8. Local structural equation modeling was employed where the age invariance of the measures was considered through a continuous moderator |
Note. UCLA-LS = University of California Los Angeles, Loneliness Scale; ESEM = Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling; CFI = comparative fit index; WLSMV = weighted least squares mean and variance adjusted; MLR = robust maximum likelihood; RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation.