Fig. 3.
Summary of significant QTLs, stable QTLs, and consensus QTLs for seed yield (SY) and SY-related trait in the BnaTNDH population grown at an optimal and a low N supply. All significant QTLs in two or three trials of all the traits detected were integrated into stable QTLs, and then significant QTLs and stable QTLs were integrated into consensus QTLs. The outermost circle and the second circle represented the genetic map and physical map, respectively. All SNP markers on each chromosome were corresponded to the physical position. From the third circle to the sixth circle, each color of circle stands for one trial, except green ones, which showed the positions of stable QTLs of each trait at an optimal N or a low N supply. The innermost circle showed the positions of consensus QTLs on chromosomes. PH, plant height; BN, branch number; PN, pod number per plant; SN, seed number per pod; SW, seed weight of 1000 seeds; SY, seed yield; ON, optimal nitrogen; LN, low nitrogen