Extended data 1: CD8+ T cell gating and NKR expression.
a) Representative flow cytometry plots showing T cell gating and NKR expression on peripheral blood lymphocytes, specifically focusing on CD8+ T cell subsets stratified by the expression of CD27/CD45RA in healthy donors. Defined subsets are CD27+CD45RA+ TN, CD27+CD45RA− TCM, CD27−CD45RA− TEM, and CD27−CD45RA+ TEMRA cells. b) Confirmation of expression of CD57, KLRG1, CD244, NKG2D, NKG2C, and KIR2DL on TN (naïve), TCM, TEM, and TEMRA CD8+ T cell subsets. Numbers in quadrants represent percentages of cells in each subset. Numbers above the histograms indicate the MFI. c) Flow cytometry gating of CD8+ T cells to confirm CD27 and CD28 expression in subpopulations based on CD27/CD45RA gating.