Table 1.
Demographic data
Respondents questionnaire | Total n (%) |
Respondents | |
Total | 178 (100) |
Gender | |
Female | 132 (74) |
Male | 46 (26) |
Profession n (%) | |
Intensivistc | 8 (5) |
ICU Nursed | 37 (21) |
Fellow Intensive Carec | 3 (2) |
Specialist registrar ICUc | 8 (5) |
ICU Nurse in trainingd | 4 (2) |
Senior house officer ICUc | 2 (1) |
Medical specialist non-ICUc | 5 (3) |
Specialist registrar non-ICUc | 22 (12) |
Nurse anaesthetistd | 20 (11) |
Nurse non-ICUd | 38 (21) |
Surgical assistant | 13 (7) |
Doctor performing ancillary tasksa | 8 (5) |
Other performing ancillary tasksb | 10 (6) |
Professional experience | |
0–2 years | 42 (24) |
3–5 years | 37 (21) |
6–10 years | 31 (17) |
11–15 years | 16 (9) |
>15 years | 52 (29) |
aIncluding medical specialists, researchers and senior house officers
bIncluding physiotherapists, nurses and psychologists
cPhysicians who performed ICU tasks, excluding ancillary tasks
dNurses who performed ICU tasks, excluding ancillary tasks